"Customer Satisfaction"
"Economy of Scale"
"Service Expansion."
Boost | boost 4 multimedia | On Point Cyber | OPC | Opcyber
"An average of 48% of our data is spent on ads."
Study by Enders Analysis, 04/2016
September 23, 2021
"Boost is a DNS based solution that was tested in our Roshan Network successfully. Bandwidth is scarce in Afghanistan especially at Access Level (Mainly Radio) and very expensive at Upstream ISP level.
Boost blocked advertisements that can sometimes reach more than 50% of Total HTTP/HTTPS browsing data and is a life saver for Operators like us. Plus, it makes for happy customers who use their data and financial resources to access only the content they want without all that external pollution."
Khaled Bouzid | IP&Transport Director | Technology
Afghanistan | Tajikistan | Burundi

For Network Providers
Boost is a DNS sinkhole for content blocking. Network providers control what data is allowed into their network, significantly reduce the volume of data from their ISP and improve the end user’s quality of experience.
Boost is a DNS Sinkhole, cloud based, SAAS solution with security layered within and on top of the database to create an enterprise-level security model so we can securely deliver data to your network.
Using a cloud-based framework, we can scale up and down the number of servers transparently to support your high-performance specifications.
The highly optimized aspects of the DNS queries that we monitor and assess provides high speed performance to meet your volume of service.
Boost uses a distributed high-availability architecture to access its database and ensure robust reliability, while we audit and refine performance.
DNS Sinkholing
Boost acts as a proxy server, between a network providers ISP and their Network Operations Center. Boost sinkholes ads (49% of total data) and other types of DNS queries the network provider wants restricted, while approved queries resolve and the ISP serves the data upstream to the provider for distribution.
ISP data savings can be significant because network providers using Boost can stop any type of data (VPNs, pornography, malicious sites, fake news, malware, . . .) from entering their upstream ISP feed as permissible under statutory or legislative requirement, law, or regulation.
Boost - End User Subscriptions
Increase end user subscribers through heightened quality of experience. Boost prevents undesired ad data from clogging the network. End users experience faster network speeds, better coverage, ad free multimedia, and more bandwidth for their money. That equates to more multimedia viewing time per data dollar, an economic incentive to subscribe.
Boost - ISP Cost Savings
Boost reduces DNS queries for data, which reduces the volume of data sent by the ISP, increasing the threshold of available unused data. Network providers can grow without paying an ISP for additional data or renegotiate terms at a lower cost for less data.
Boost - Economies of Scale

Boost frees up bandwidth, transforming the network from a two lane to eight lane highway. Network providers can grow using existing infrastructure, with the average cost per unit decreasing as output increases.
A provider can generate additional revenue using Boost because they control what data enters their network. Contingent upon network provider commercial strategies and direction.
Commisions, Affiliate Program, Pay Per Click
Stop third party & commercial Sites/Apps from clogging up network bandwidth, or allow those that pay, to play.
Proprietary App Revenue
Grow use and/or sales of proprietary app by limiting competing apps from the network and redirecting user to the proprietary app.
Subscriptions, Data Plans, Fees
Capitalize on the end users enhanced Quality of Experience & more multimedia viewing time per data dollar.
Premium Content Provider Agreements
Fee based agreement with content providers (porn, social media, dating, Blogs, . . .) for exclusive access with competitor sites blocked.
Out of the box readiness with zero configuration and no customization required. To customize, OPC rapidly configures Boost to customer specifications. The Boost Live Dashboard gives customers 24/7 performance metrics.

License and Service Support based on the number of connected multimedia devices (tiered and scalable).
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